中国河南淅川亚美地毯厂是世界上大的手工地毯生产厂家,工厂成立于1972,我们年生产超过130万平方米的长毛地毯每年超过280万平方英尺手工地毯的生产能力。 亚美地毯厂是联合国**地毯的优质供应商之一,产品已销往阿拉伯,中东,摩洛哥,埃及,苏丹,美国,德国,法国,荷兰,芬兰,意大利,也吸引许多土耳其和伊朗地毯商前来我厂学习与和交流. 亚美生产以下列类型的地毯: 1)真丝地毯,手工地毯,祈祷地毯,水洗波斯真丝地毯,仿古地毯,波斯地毯,壁挂,艺木挂毯。 300线,400线,500线,600线,800线,1000线,1200线。 2)手工打结真丝及羊毛地毯,羊毛地毯。 230线,300线。400线。 我们有地毯的尺寸: 2.5×6ft2.5×25英尺(77×183cm77 * 762cm);5×8英尺(153×6英尺,245Cm)*(183 * 275cm),8×10英尺(245×305cm),9×12英尺(275×366cm),12×18ft-20×30英尺(366×550cm-610 * 915cm),51ft 31 *(915 * 1525cm) 3)聚酯毛茸茸的地毯。 重量:2000K /平方米/平方米,3500K、4000K /平方米、5500K /平方米。 为了方便世界各地的客户,工厂的出口部和地毯仓库在2008年迁入广州市,需要手工地毯可以到广州的地毯仓库,现场选择优质亚美地毯或进入我们的网站下单。http://www.carpetsilk.com 地址:南大路2号,广州市,511430,中国。 中国邮箱:carpets@188.com 英语邮箱:silkcarpet@126.com 24小时总经理英语移动:0086 +(0)1382 6263 683 中文服务**:13826288657 中国河南淅川亚美地毯厂 China Henan Xichuan Yamei Carpet Factory is the world of handmade carpet manufacturer, factory was established in 1972. Our annual production of more than 13 million square metres of wool carpet annual production capacity of more than 28 million square feet of handmade carpets. Yamei carpet factory is un preferred carpet quality suppliers, products have been sold to the Arab Middle East, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, the United States, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Italy, and attract many Turkish and Iranian carpet dealers to come to my factory to learn and exchange. OUR FACTORY IS SUPPLYING THE FOLLOWING KINDS OF CARPETS. 1) silk carpets, handmade carpet, prayer rugs, washing Persian silk carpet, antique carpets, Persian carpets, wall hangings, art wood tapestry. For convenient around the world customers and factories export and carpet warehouse in 2008 moved to Guangzhou, handmade carpet can to Guangzhou carpet warehouse, site selection of high-quality Yamei carpet or enter our website orders. Http://www.carpetsilk.com ADDRESS:NO.2 of Danan Road,Dashi Street,Panyu District,Guangzhou,511430,P.R.China. China email: carpets@188.com English email address: silkcarpet@126.com 24 hours General Manager English Mobile: 0086 + (0) 13826263683 Chinese service telephone: 13826288657 China Henan Xichuan Yamei Carpet Factory [