Televac® Vacuum Measurement Tools Built for the Toughest Jobs
Fredericks’ world-class vacuum sensors, gauges, and control instrumentaton are engineered for the most demandingapplicatons and environments. Our patentedTelevac® andETIvacuum brands feature cold cathode technology, thermocouple and convecton gauges, and precision-manufactured hot ionizaton gauges. Dedicated solely to vacuum gauging and calibraton services, we provide industrial heatng, natonal laboratories, cryogenics, industrial gas, and LNG applicatons, among many others, with fast lead tmes and industry-leading performance. From atmosphere to ultra high vacuum, our products deliver rapid response vacuum readings and superior sensitvity.
Specialty Manufacturing Services That Promise Precision and Partnership
For more than 85 years, Fredericks has specialized exclusively in tlt and vacuum measurement products. Today, our precisemanufacturing processes produce the most accurate and advanced products on the market, ensuring perfecton every tme. A true specialty service provider, we are willing and eager to put our experience and capabilites to good use, helping OEMs achieve even the most complex designs.
Even though tmely customer service and expert product support should be a standard for doing business, in recent tmes we’ve found it to be the excepton instead of the rule. Getng the quick, ongoing support you need is critcal when you have tme sensitve engineering challenges to work through. At that point, you don’t just need a part – you need a partner, and expert product support is something you can rely on from Fredericks with anytme access to our product specialists and leadership team.