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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » A.P.BUCK流量校准仪,A.P.BUCK气体分析仪器, 价格优惠!
A.P.BUCK流量校准仪,A.P.BUCK气体分析仪器, 价格优惠!
产品: 浏览次数:271A.P.BUCK流量校准仪,A.P.BUCK气体分析仪器, 价格优惠! 
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1 件
供货总量: 10 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-07-04 11:51
  • 加工定制:否
  • 型号:APB-942750
  • 流量范围:0-1000
  • 试验强度:无
  • 温度测量范围:60
  • 最大功率:600
  • 供电电源:直流

A. P. BUCK, INC. 是世界上*为**的室内气体分析仪器的制造商.
美国A.P.Buck Inc公司在生产**进的仪器和创新室内空气取样方面有着31年的经验。A.P.Buck供应空气取样泵和检测工业卫生、AP BUCK室内空气品质、职业健康、环保、健康与安全学科的物理服务。AP BUCK价格。

AP BUCK主要产品有
APB-501000 B6 Single Stage Impactor for 100 x 15mm Petri Dish
APB-501010 Carry case for Microbial Sampling Kit components, hold additional sampling material.
APB-927100 *BUCK-BASIC™ 1 Pump Kit
APB-942750 **BUCK-BASIC™ 1, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-109030 Adjustable Universal Low Flow Holder
APB-929100 *BUCK-BASIC™ 5 Pump Kit
APB-942950 **BUCK-BASIC™ 5, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-109030 Adjustable Universal Low Flow Holder
APB-706000 BUCK BioAire™ Pump Model B520, complete with standard 120 VAC adapter/charger, instruction
manual, and APB-706100 Calibration Rotameter Assy.
APB-706020 BUCK BioAire™ Pump Model B520, complete with standard 230 VAC adapter/charger, instruction
manual, and APB-706100 Calibration Rotameter Assy.
APB-706010 BUCK BioAire™ Model B520 Pump only, with instruction manual
APB-601900 FastOne™ Charger, 100-240VAC, provides one-hour battery charge, optional
APB-108010 Standard Charger, 120VAC
APB-108012 Standard Charger, 230 VAC
APB-109056 AC Power Supply, 120/230 VAC, CE, UL, CSA, GS/TUV, for continuous operation from AC
APB-706100 Calibration Rotameter Assembly, fits onto top of bioaerosol cassette
APB-109132 Vinyl sample tubing, ½” OD, 10 ft., for remote sampling with bioaerosol cassette
APB-708000 BUCK Bio-Culture™ Pump, Model B30120 complete with standard 120VAC adapter/
charger, pencil torch, tripod, carrying case and instruction manual.
APB-708200 BUCK Bio-Culture™ Pump, Model B30120 complete with standard 230VAC adapter/
charger, pencil torch, tripod, carrying case and instruction manual.
APB-708500 Calibration Head For BUCK Bio-Culture™ Pump
APB-707000 BUCK BioSlide™ Pump Model B1020, complete with standard 120 VAC adapter/charger, instruction
manual, and APB-706100 Calibration Rotameter Assembly.
APB-707020 BUCK BioSlide™ Pump Model B1020, complete with standard 230 VAC adapter/charger, instruction
manual, and APB-706100 Calibration Rotameter Assembly.
APB-601900 FastOne™ Charger, 100-240VAC, provides on-hour battery charge, optional
APB-108010 Standard Charger, 120VAC
APB-108012 Standard Charger, 230 VAC
APB-706200 Calibration Rotameter Assembly, fits onto top of gel-impaction slide case
SAM-500910 BUCK Gel-Impaction Slide, shelf life one year from mfg. date, box 10
APB-926000 *BUCK Libra™ L-4 Pump Kit
APB-942600 **BUCK Libra™ L-4, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-109030 Adjustable Universal Low Flow Holder
APB-504000 BUCK LinEair™ 40 5-35 LPM sampling pump,120 VAC, including 10 ft. vinyl tubing, instruction manual
APB-104100 Weather resistant case for BUCK LinEair™40
APB-104102 Tripod for media support, extends to 48 in.
APB-104104 DC Adapter for BUCK LinEair™40, provides continuous operation from 12V DC power source, w/
cigarette lighter plugs and clips
APB-906800 Buck Libra Plus LP-1 Single pk 120VAC*
APB-906820 Buck Libra Plus LP-1 Single pk 230VAC*
APB-946500 Buck Libra Plus LP-1 5Pk Pump kit**
APB-109033 Universal Low flow holder 5-100cc/min
APB-906200 *BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-5 Pump Kit
APB-946200 **BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-5, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-109030 Adjustable Universal Low Flow Holder
APB-906300 *BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-7 Pump Kit, 120V
APB-926320 *BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-7 Pump Kit, 230V
APB-942507 **BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-7, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-906250 * BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-12 120v Pump Kit
APB-942512 **BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-12, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-906260 * Buck Libra Plus™ LP-12 230v Pump Kit
APB-906700 * BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-20 120V Pump Kit
APB-942520 **BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-20, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-906710 * BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-20 230V Pump Kit
APB-801000 M-1 mini-BUCK Calibrator™, 0.1-300 cc/min, 120VAC standard charger
Soap solution, dispenser bottle, operating manual
APB-801010 M-1 mini-BUCK Calibrator™, 0.1-300 cc/min, 230VAC standard charger
GS/TUV, soap solution, dispenser bottle, operating manual
APB-805000 M-5 mini-BUCK Calibrator™, 1-6,000 cc/min, 120VAC standard charger
soap solution, dispenser bottle, operating manual
APB-805010 M-5 mini-BUCK Calibrator™, 1-6,000 cc/min, 230VAC standard charger
GS/TUV, soap solution, dispenser bottle, operating manual
APB-803000 M-30 mini-BUCK Calibrator™, 100 cc/min-30 LPM, 120VAC standard
charger , soap solution, dispenser bottle, operating manual
APB-803010 M-30 mini-BUCK Calibrator™, 100 cc/min-30 LPM, 230VAC standard
charger GS/TUV, soap solution, dispenser bottle, operating manual
APB-108015 4.8V Ni-Cad Battery pack
APB-107014 Air Inlet Caps (pkg. 2)
APB-108000 Pelican 1400 Carrying Case: Outside dimensions 13 3/8” x 11 5/8” x 6”, Lifetime
Warranty Approval Marks: IP 67, ATA Specification 300, Military Standard C-4150J
APB-108010 120VAC Standard Charger
APB-108012 230VAC GS/TUV Standard Charger
APB-108016 Operating Manual
APB-107030 8oz Soap solution
APB-107032 1oz Dispenser bottle
APB-803300 M-30B mini-BUCK Calibrator™ 100 cc/min-30LPM, 120VAC standard charger,
soap solution, dispenser bottle, 1/2” hose cap, operating manual
APB-803310 Same as above except 230VAC standard charger GS/TUV
APB-108000 Pelican 1400 Carrying Case: Outside dimensions 13 3/8” x 11 5/8” x 6”, Lifetime Warranty
Approval Marks: IP 67, ATA Specification 300, Military Standard C-4150J
APB-108015 4.8V Ni-Cad Battery pack
APB-107014 Air Inlet Caps (pkg. 2)
APB-108010 120VAC Standard Charger
APB-107030 8oz Soap solution
APB-108012 230VAC GS/TUV Standard Charger
ALO-9803-88M BUCK Rotary Vane Sampler with Flowmeter
ALO-9804-08 Light weight tripod
ALO-9804-08D Cassette tripod adapter
ALO-9804-08E Impactor/BioAire tripod adapter
APB-501000 B6 Single Stage Impactor for 100 x 15mm Petri Dish
APB-501010 Carry case for Microbial sampling kit components, hold additional sampling material.
APB-927000 *BUCK-VSS™ 1 Pump Kit
APB-942700 **BUCK-VSS™ 1, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-109030 Adjustable Universal Low Flow Holder
APB-929000 *BUCK-VSS™ 5 Pump Kit
APB-942900 **BUCK-VSS™ 5, 5-pack Pump Kit
APB-109030 Adjustable Universal Low Flow Holder

 A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-704_L-4
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-801_LP-1  
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-805_LP-5
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-807_LP-7
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-812_LP-12
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-820_LP-20
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-501_VSS-1
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-505_VSS-5
 A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-601_Basic-1
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T100-605_Basic-5
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T300-403_mini-Buck_M-1_M-5_M-30
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T300-431_mini-Buck_M30B
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T200-705_BioAire_Pump
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T200-710_BioSlide_Pump
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T200-730_BioCulture_Pump
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T600-540_LinEair Pump
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T600-530_RotaryVane_Pump
A.P.BUCK 产品系列T600-506_B6_Impactor 





