深圳湾边贸易公司 厂家:BiodexMedicalSystems, Inc. 美国Bidoex
Bar Phantoms
Precise determination of cameraintrinsicresolution, collimator spatial resolution, field sizeandlinearity.
Flood Phantoms
A means of lighting scintillationcamera'scrystal to determine response uniformity over theentirefield.
Thyroid Uptake Neck Phantom
Designed to simulate a patient’s neck.
Triple Line Insert
Used to produce three 1 mm diameterparallellines of tracer material spaced 7.5 cm apart.
Cardiac Insert
Provides a multi-function simulation oftheleft ventricle, and can be used to evaluate SPECT imaging ofcolddefects within the "myocardium."
Hoffman 3-D Brain Phantom™
Provides the anatomically accuratethreedimensional simulation of the radioisotope distribution foundinthe normal brain.
Hollow Sphere
Designed for use in all circularandelliptical SPECT cylinders.
PET Phantom - NEMA 2007/IEC 2008
Consists of a body phantom, a fillablelunginsert and an insert with six various size spheres thatarefillable from the outside of the phantom.
PET Scatter Phantom™ - NEMA
Contains a fillable line source thatrunsparallel to the center axis of the cylinder and offset adistanceof 4.5 cm.
PET Sensitivity Phantom™ - NEMA
Consists of six concentric tubes thatslideinto each other. The innermost tube is fillable. The outertubesare placed over the filled inner tube and imaged, adding atube foreach image.
PET-CT Phantom
Includes internal structures (three rodsandsix spheres) which, when imaged with both modalities,candemonstrate how accurately the two image sets are aligned.
Jaszczak SPECT Phantom
Provides consistent performanceinformationfor any SPECT or PET system.
Flangeless Deluxe SPECT Phantoms
The flangeless SPECT Phantom meetstherequirements set by ACR.
Anthropomorphic SPECT Phantom
Used for the evaluation ofnon-uniformattenuation and scatter compensation methods. Thephantom consistsof a large, body-shaped cylinder with lung, liverand spineinserts.
Lung-Spine SPECT Phantom
The Lung-Spine Phantom consists oftwochambers that are shaped to simulate the lungs.