深圳湾边贸易公司 TEL:
品牌:G2Ringging Sheave
This manual explains the use and care of 14”riggingsheavesmanufactured by Wireline Technologies, Inc. Thesheaveisavailable in two
models. The original model has shielded bearingsandisidentified by an orange cover. The sealed bearingmodelisidentified by a yellow
cover. Each is available in twoconfigurations. Theno-shroud configuration, shown in figure 1,will allow aropesocket or “torpedo” to pass
over the wheel. The half-shroud configuration, showninfigure2, has a cable shroud covering part of the wheel toaidincontaining the line
in the wheel groove. Please read and become familiarwithallof the information in this manual beforeusingthisequipment.
• Read entire manual before operating this equipment.
• If proper procedures are not followed,loa***aydisengage.
• A falling load can cause serious injury or death.
• Never use this product for hoisting personnel.
• Always anchor or hang the sheave via the clevis, never bywayofthe cover or any ancillary equipment.
• Never apply more force than the Safe Working Load (SWL)listedonthe affixed tag.
• The listed Safe Working Load is for the sheave assembly;thesafeline tension will be less.
• Attachment to other equipment with lower SWL willreducetheallowable load.
• Always use a hand guard when the sheave isusedaroundpersonnel.
• Always make sure the sheaves are properly maintainedandproperlyrigged.
No-Shroud (Optional)
Figure 1
Half-Shroud (Standard)
Figure 2 2
Safe Working Load
The rated safe working load (SWL) for a WTI 14” sheave is15,000lbs.(6,800 kg.), with the exception of thosemanufacturedfor
Schlumberger. These sheaves, as directed bySchlumberger,havea safe working load of 10,000 lbs. (4,530kg.). Theallowableline pull will
depend upon both the SWL and the angle the lineisdeflected. If the sheave is used as a top sheave, itdeflectsthe line 180°,see figure 3. If
the sheave is used as a bottom sheave, it deflects the line90°,seefigure 4. Never exceed the SWL, unlessspecialprecautions aretaken in
accordance with your company’s policy. Theseprecautionsshouldinclude, but are not limited to, clearing the rigfloor ofallpersonnel. If
the SWL is exceeded, the sheave should be re-certified beforeitcansafely be placed back in service.
Top Sheave
Max. line tension
7,5000 lbs. (3,400 kg)
Schlumberger Limit
Max. line tension
5,000 lbs (2,260 kg)
Bottom Sheave
Max. line tension
10,600 lbs. (4,800 kg)
Schlumberger Limit
Max. line tension
7,070 lbs (3,200 kg)
Safe Line Tension for
90-Degree Deflection
Figure 4
Safe Line Tension for
180-Degree Deflection
Figure 3 3
Clevis Options
Five clevis swivel assembly options forsuspending/anchoringthesheave are available: These optionsare shown in figures 5–9 below. The
Clevis-Eye has an opening about 2.5” X 3.3” for achainorsling. The opening width of the Clevis -AWS is 1 3/4”withahole for a 1” pin.
The opening width of the Clevis -HLS is 1 1/4” with a hole fora1”pin. The opening width of the Clevis-SJ is 7/8” withaholefor a 1 1/2”
pin. The shackle clevis has about the same openingastheClevis-Eye.
Part # RS-1075A
Figure 5
Part # RS-1252A
Figure 6
Part # RS-1552A
Figure 7
Part # RS-1052A
Figure 8
Part # RS-1152A
Figure 9