沙缸自动控制多向阀沙缸自动控制多向阀沙缸自动控制多向阀 Automatic Multiport Valves AutomaticMultiport Valves innovated in the pattern of the past manualcontrol, applying the advanced microcomputer technique and theprinciple of pressure control and time control, automaticallycomplete the work of wash and backwash.自动控制多向阀采用**的微电脑技术,通过压力和时间的控制原理进行操作,改变了手动操作模式。整个操作过程均由电子线路控制系统来控制,具有自动复位,自动故障报警功能。操作简单,能够有效的达到省时、省电、省力的目的。Features: .Innovative design .Easy to install .Easy, fast,menu-based programming .External power supply(220V,50Hz) .ValveSize (Top mount and side mount,1.5” 、2”) .Max.WorkingPrerssure(50pis) .Control Mode:1.Pressure 2.Time 3.Both Pressureand Time .Backwash Adjustable (30seconds-4 minutes) .RinseAdjustable (20 seconds-40 seconds) .Could control the switchbetween high speed and low speed .Water-resistan ( IP65 ) complieswith CE regulations .Automatic pump shutdown during valve positionchanges .Euipped to allow installation of a -3-way actuated valvethat admits water, during filtration,from the skimmer or pool vacintakes. .控制方式:压力控制,时间控制或压力+时间控制; .外接电源:220V/50Hz;.自动阀大小:1.5"、2.0"; .反冲洗可调时间:30秒~4分钟; .管道冲洗可调时间:20秒~40秒;顶出式.jpg 批发说明