输出功率: 370W
外型尺寸: 520×330mm×330mm
Uses: For a variety of polished wooden beadswooden beads
Product Description : Hung Hing polished wooden beads for theautomatic batch polishing machine , variable speed control, forwardand reverse operation , suitable for all kinds ofwoodenrosarybeadspolished wooden bead , disc grinding, polishing, polishingpads, polishing pad supplies inexpensive . 3-50 mm can be polishedbeads , such as : 20MM once throwing three strings ofbeads forthebestresults, the number of grinding can be adjusted, depending onthe material, while polished beads from coarse to fine sandpaper ,and finally with sandpaper turn back polishing about 10minutesyoucansee the brightness as needed polishing thickness need not thesame thickness can be replaced using sandpaper , sandpaper 180-2500purpose ordinary sandpaper can also adjust itselfgrindingtimeasneeded. Muzhu produced uniform shape , smooth surface ; one personcan manage multiple polishing machines running simultaneously. Thisinnovative technology products to solve the problemofasmoothsurface of wooden beads , beads quality smooth , polished can bedirectly used to sell . Economical and durable and practicalpolishing machine ! Homegrown ! ! Welcome to order,largefavorably!
Note : Different materials polishing beads at different times.
Technical Parameters
Input voltage : AC 220V
Output Power : 370W
Dimensions : 520 × 330mm × 330mm