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菲丽特(上海)科技有限公司是一家集研发、设计、生产、销售、服务为一体的公司,市场的需求并设立上海公司,充分发挥上海大都市的经济和地理优势,辐射全国。生产基地位于苏州东部经济核心地、全国科技创新百强县市——昆山和全国教育之乡、装备制造之乡、茧丝绸之乡、河豚之乡、纺织之乡和长寿之乡江苏省直辖市——海安市。生产品牌空压系列(空压转角缸、薄型空压缸、杠杆式、支撑式空压缸等)油压系列(薄型液油缸(方形、立式、卧式、油路板式等)、机械式带磁感开关液压缸、模具液油缸、行程开关液油缸、无触点接近开关磁感油路板液压缸、带孔位系统方形液压缸、薄型感应油缸、不锈钢感应液油缸、高压转角液油缸、耐高温液油缸、耐低温液压缸、非标液油缸、焊接设备专用液油缸、双轴可调液油缸、薄型双轴可调液压缸、油压转角油缸、自锁油缸(前段自锁式、后端自锁式、前后自锁式)、缓冲液压缸(前缓冲式、后缓冲式、前后缓冲式)引导逆止阀、圆形液油缸(脚架型、单耳型、双耳型、脚座型、T型、螺纹型、螺栓型)、油压单动杠杆缸等)近百种规格、系列的产品。还可根据客户要求进行特别定制,竭力为中国制造共同为推动工业自动化的发展而努力奋斗!FELITE (Shanghai) Technology Co. , Ltd. is a research and development, design, production, sales, service as one of the company, the market demand and the establishment of the Shanghai company, to give full play to the economic and geographical advantages of Shanghai metropolis, radiation throughout the country. The production base is located in the eastern economic core of Suzhou, the top 100 counties of science and technology innovation in China, the township of Kunshan and education, the township of equipment manufacturing, the township of cocoon and silk, the township of Fugu, the township of textile and the township of longevity, Foshan Haian city, Jiangsu Province. Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. Can also be customized according to customer requirements, make every effort for China to promote the development of industrial automation and strive!企业理念:铸就菲凡品质,丽特助您成功。Create the quality of Feifan, Litte to help you succeed.企业文化:以质量求生存,以信誉促发展。To survive by quality, to promote development by reputation.企业愿景:纳百川成就海业,思进取赢得未来。Accept Hundred rivers achievement sea industry, think enterprising to win the future.企业使命:服务客户,成就价值。Customer Service, achievement value.
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