深圳光纤激光镭射机金属激光打标机 吴生
Laser marking machine, laser engraving machine features:
Good stability
Fiber laser marking system uses optical fiber technology instead of traditional electric vacuum technology. The excitation source adopts a large power semiconductor matrix, whichgreatly prolongs the life of the product and the stability of the system.
● 精度高
- high precision
The output beam quality of optical fiber laser marking system is closer to the ideal mode, and is more suitable for ultra fine machining. The size of small character can reach 0.2mm,and the precision of laser marking is up to a new order of magnitude.
● 速度快
- speed
Fiber laser marking system adopts ultra fine optical device, and its galvanometer speed is much higher than that of traditional laser system.
● 能耗低
- low power consumption
The application of efficient semiconductor matrix in fiber laser marking system has greatly improved the efficiency of laser conversion.
● 可靠性高
光纤激光打标系统的系统集成度高,不需要高压电源,高压器件,极大地保证系统可靠性。- high reliability
Fiber laser marking system has high degree of integration, and does not require high-voltage power supply and high voltage devices, which greatly guarantees system reliability.
● 体积小
- small size
A highly integrated control system facilitates better use of factory space by customers