《行动胜于言语》是一幅具有哲学价值和美学价值的作品,它可作为礼物送给国际友人,可勉励人们少说多做。作者以书法艺术的表现形式,透视出自己的心境,努力摆脱纠结和犹豫,鼓起勇气,积极行动,去追逐书法艺术革命的梦想和追求。"Action is Better than Words" is a work of philosophical and aesthetic value. It can be given as a gift to international friends to encourage people to talk less and do more. In the form of calligraphy art, the author sees through his own state of mind, tries to get rid of entanglement and hesitation, summon up courage and take active actions to pursue the dream and pursuit of calligraphy art revolution.
这或许是传世佳作,它寓意深远,暗藏乾坤。作者将英文纳入书法艺术体系,本身是很孤独的,全世界没有一个人在跟他做同一样的事,作者需要竭尽全力去表达悲伤和极度的孤独。所以作品的意境跌宕起伏,抑扬顿挫,缥缈空灵,犷野狞厉,孤影飘零。This may be be the best works ever left behind, its profound meaning, hidden in the universe.The author's inclusion of English into the calligraphy art system is itself very lonely, and no one in the world is doing the same thing as him. The author need to go out of my way to try and express sadness and extreme loneliness.Therefore, the artistic conception of the works is ups and downs, rising and falling in cadence , Ethereal and ethereal,Precision and wild grim,Lonely shadow floating.
这是值得珍藏的书法艺术作品,布局新颖,构思巧妙。汉字笔划浑厚圆润,张驰有度;英文俊秀清雅,缥缈灵动。中西合璧,日月同辉。 This is a collection of calligraphy art works,The layout is novel,Artful idea,Chinese strokes are rich and round, Flexible degree; English is elegant, ethereal and clever。Chinese and Western combination, shine forever like the sun and the moon.
易安居草堂的书法艺术作品中西合璧,文化交融,将是未来书法艺术创新发展的灿烂瑰宝。汉字部分笔力遒劲,气势磅礴,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,栩栩如生;英文部分幽雅柔婉,飘逸秀美,静谧悠远,艺韵悠长。字里行间流淌着东方千年的历史和文化,墨色流光描绘着西方现代文明的神韵和灵魂。The calligraphy art works of“ The humble cottage to live easily”are a combination of Chinese and Western elements and a cultural blend, which will be the brilliant treasure of the innovation and development of calligraphy art in the future. Chinese characters part is vigorous and majestic, As graceful as a startled swan, as graceful as a wandering dragon, lifelike; English part is elegant and soft, elegant and beautiful, quiet and long rhyme. The history and culture of the years flowing between the lines, the ink color light depicts the ancient charm and soul.
经评委会严格评审,作者在当代民间文人书画艺术大展赛中,荣获金奖,作品经《当代文人书画精典》编委会审定,符合入编资格,并被收藏。After strict evaluation by the jury, the author won the gold medal in the contemporary folk literati calligraphy and painting art exhibition competition, and his works were approved by the editorial board of contemporary literati Painting and Calligraphy Classic, which met the qualification, and was collected.