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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 中西民间书法艺术《战争与和平》鉴赏及装饰应用 易安居草堂开启和造创造
中西民间书法艺术《战争与和平》鉴赏及装饰应用 易安居草堂开启和造创造
产品: 浏览次数:81中西民间书法艺术《战争与和平》鉴赏及装饰应用 易安居草堂开启和造创造 
识别码: ID4830110032USD1190
单价: 53200.00元/幅
最小起订量: 1 幅
供货总量: 1 幅
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-09-14 14:54
  • 加工定制:是
  • 字体:行书
  • 装裱:客户自选
  • 是否专利货源:否
  • 材质:宣纸
  • 工艺:手工原著
  • 作者:其他
  • 专利号:无
  • 尺寸:34*69cm

Chinese and English folk calligraphy art of the original work "War and Peace" appreciation and decoration



《战争与和平》歌颂和平,又反映战争,歌颂爱国热情,又反映英雄主义。作者以书法艺术形式,极力在作品中蕴藏人民的教仁爱思想和人道主义博爱精神,作品让观赏者隐隐约约感悟到人民的意愿,感受到人民的力量。"War and Peace" praises peace, reflects war, praises patriotism, and reflects heroism. In the form of calligraphy art, the author tries his best to contain the people's thought of teaching and benevolence and humanitarian fraternity spirit in his works. The work makes the viewers vaguely feel the will of the people and feel the power of the people.

这是伟大的艺术作品,它布局新颖,构思巧妙。笔墨轻重变幻有序,线条韵律流畅自然,既有战争的紧张气氛,又有和平的安祥气息。作品在笔,墨,形,意中破除传统布局和构思,注入新鲜的视觉感受和形意境界,开拓并创造出书法艺术审美视觉和艺术观赏的新特色。This is the great works of art,It has a novel layout and clever idea,The power of the pen and ink changes in order,Line rhythm is smooth and natural,There is the tension of the war,There is also a peaceful atmosphere of peace.The works break the traditional layout and conception, inject fresh visual feeling and shape and meaning realm, and develop and create the new characteristics of aesthetic vision and artistic appreciation of calligraphy art.

易安居草堂是中西书法艺术的开启和创造者,用传统书法的土壤和根苗去培育和嫁接西洋书法艺术。其书法艺术作品有“笔墨势韵变有度,浑醇雅逸气无常”的韵味。既有学院派的宗学浑厚,又有江湖派的变化无常。既有苍劲浑厚,纯真古朴,静穆敦正的宗气端庄;又有恬静清雅,秀逸柔婉,犷野狞厉的江湖变幻。Yi Anju Cottage is the inventor and creator of Western calligraphy art,Use the soil and roots of Chinese calligraphy to cultivate and graft Western calligraphy art.His calligraphy art works have the charm of "The trend of brush and ink change with motif,Rich and pure,elegant and beautiful constantly changing".Both the authentic richness of the existing academic faction, and the constantly changing of the folk faction.Both vigorous, pure and simple, quiet and solemn, and elegant, elegant and soft, wild and harsh changes.

石刻书法艺术是艺术展现的重要组成部分,更能体现不同的书法风格和艺术特色。将书法艺术和雕刻技巧的完美结合,集文学、书法、雕刻、装饰艺术于一身,意义深厚,内涵丰富。让人们得到文化的熏陶与艺术的启迪,还能深刻感受到历史文化的博大精深和现代艺术美学升华。The art of stone carving calligraphy is an important part of artistic display, which can better reflect different calligraphy styles and artistic characteristics. The perfect combination of calligraphy art and carving skills, integrating literature, calligraphy, carving, decorative art in one, profound meaning, rich connotation. Let people get the influence of culture and artistic enlightenment, but also can deeply feel the extensive and profound history and culture and the sublimation of modern art aesthetics.

经过中外文化艺术交流协会的严格评审和鉴定。作者通过了“国际润格官认证中心”评审标准,获得了国际润格资质认证。After the strict evaluation and appraisal of the Chinese and foreign cultural and art exchange association. The author has passed the evaluation standard of "International Runge Official Certification Center" and obtained the international Runge qualification certification.

这幅作品在2024法国巴黎奥运文化国际交流展中,被评为**金奖作品。This work in the 2024 Paris Olympic Culture International Art Exchange Exhibition , was named Outstanding,Gold Award,works.

中西书法艺术是东方古老文化的艺术繁衍,也是西方现代文明的艺术新潮。始终贯彻亲民化、近民化的艺术创作思想,坚持从群众中来,到人民中去。所以这些作品原著非常便宜,可以从作者那里得到,曾经在公开市场出现过,也是苏富比和佳士得公司拍锤下罕见便宜的艺术。它将伴随在人类生活的身边,是普通民众都能欣赏并拥有的书法艺术。The art of Chinese and Western calligraphy is the artistic reproduction of the ancient eastern culture, and also the new artistic trend of the modern western civilization.Always carry out the artistic creation thought of being together with the people, adhere to from the masses, Back to the people.So the original work is very cheap, available from the author, once appeared in the auction market, and is the cheapest art ever auctioned by Sotheby's and Christie's.It will accompany in the human life around, is the ordinary people can enjoy and have the calligraphy art.

世界上任何一种语言文字都应该有它们自己的书法艺术,都应该有它们越来越美的书写方式,易安居草堂已经开始在全球范围内寻求和招募区域经纪人和合作伙伴,让不同肤色、不同语言、不同文化的人民都懂得欣赏书法艺术的神韵与灵魂,让全人类手牵手共享书法艺术的美学价值。Any language in the world should have its own calligraphy art, and should have their more and more beautiful writing methods. Cottage H.L.E has begun to seek and recruit regional brokers and partners around the world, Let the people of different skin colors, different languages and different cultures know how to appreciate the charm and soul of calligraphy art, and let all mankind hand in hand to share the aesthetic value of calligraphy art.





