喷砂机工作原理(The work principle of the sand blasting machine)
喷砂机的工作原理是利用压缩空气带动磨料(或弹丸)喷射到工件表面,对工件表面进行微观切削或冲击,以实现对工件的除锈、除漆、除表面杂质,表面强化及各种装饰性处理。广泛应用于船舶、飞机、冶金、矿山、铁路、桥梁、化工、车辆及重型机械工业制造中各种金属构件及焊接表面。同时又是对非金属(玻璃、塑料等)表面,装饰、雕刻的理想设备。 The work principle of the sand blasting machine is to compress the air to eject the grind material (or pill) on the surface of the parts, to cut or strike the surface of the parts mircrocosmicly, to achieve the disposals like derusting, degrease, wipe off the impurity on the surface, strength the surface and other decorative handling. It is widely used on all kinds of metal components and soldering surfaces in shipping, aeroplane, metallurgy, mine, railway, bridge, chemistry, vehicle and heavy machinery manufacture fields. At the same time, it's an ideal equipment for decorating and carvening the nonmetal (glass, plastic,etc.)surfaces.(http://penshaji.excce.com/