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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 英国SERICOL色丽可油墨ICONinks油墨 丝印油墨移印油墨柔版UV油墨 富士色丽可油墨 KONGTAIFU港台富
英国SERICOL色丽可油墨ICONinks油墨 丝印油墨移印油墨柔版UV油墨 富士色丽可油墨 KONGTAIFU港台富
产品: 浏览次数:233英国SERICOL色丽可油墨ICONinks油墨 丝印油墨移印油墨柔版UV油墨 富士色丽可油墨 KONGTAIFU港台富 
单价: 192.00元/千克
最小起订量: 5 千克
供货总量: 10000 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-12-08 10:44
  • 保质期:60个月
  • 粘度:900
  • 适用对象:塑料 金属 玻璃 陶瓷 纺织等材料
  • 颜色:齐色
  • 印刷方式:其他
  • 单件净重:5000g
  • 着色力:100%
  • 细度:1
  • 流动度≥:1
  • 型号:SERICOL

  1. 产品系列Product Series
  2. 图像印刷Graphic :
  3. Polyplast PY

    Polyplast PY为高光油墨系列,专为印刷各类软硬塑料制品而设。配方使油墨具有*高柔韧度。Polyplast PY可用于真空吹塑。该系列油墨具备出色网上稳定性且不易塞网,这使其成为艾康多功能油墨产品之一。

    Polyplast PY is a high gloss ink designed for printing onto a wide range of flexible and rigid plastics. Formulated to maximise flexibility. Polyplast PY is an excellent ink for vacuum forming. Excellent screen stability and self solvency enables Polyplast PY to be one of the most versatile ink systems offered by ICONINKS.

    Polyplast PYEL


    Polyplast PYEL为高耐候性油墨系列,专为柔韧度及硬度较高的塑料而设。PYEL系列操作简单,具有超高性能且耐候性强,这使其成为印刷户外耐候产品的**油墨。在推荐条件下,将油墨与PY433罩印光油混合进行印刷可使产品户外耐候性能维持至少6年。

    Polyplast PYEL is a highly light fast ink designed for a wide range of flexible and rigid plastics. The PYEL series allows for an unmatched level of performance in terms of ease of use, combined with the excellent light fastness of the PYEL series makes PYEL the first choice for outdoor printing. In recommended conditions and when used in conjunction with the PY433 Overprint Varnish, PYEL systems should not deteriorate significantly during a period of less than 6 years.

    IcoPrint Flex UNHF

    IcoPrint Flex UNHF为高遮盖,高柔韧度UV固化油墨系列,专为需要切边的PVC材料而设。

    IcoPrint Flex UNHF is a high opacity, highly flexible UV curable ink system designed for PVC substrates and where edge cutting is an issue.

    IcoPrint MS

    Icoprint MS是适合印刷在不同材料的通用UV油墨系统,专为印刷展示用产品而设,适合在平板,滚筒及多色印刷机上使用。

    Icoprint MS油墨可在多种材料表面展现出色性能,例如纸张/纸板,PVC,聚丙烯以及聚苯乙烯。该系列油墨是为了轻松匹配Fogra 39/ISO 12647-2颜色标准而开发。

    Icoprint MS is a versatile multi substrate UV ink system designed for printing display items using flatbed, cylinder and multi-colour presses.

    Icoprint MS colours feature excellent performance on a wide range of printing materials, including paper/board, PVC, polypropylene, and polystyrene.

    Pro-File colours are compliant to Fogra 39/ISO 12647-2 standards.

    IcoPrint UVSign UYA

    IcoPrint UVSign UYA是专为在销售点,展示牌以及广告材料上进行高速印刷而设计的油墨,IcoPrint UVSign UYA尤其适用于聚烯烃合成纸,例如Yupo,Synteape以及KT板。

    IcoPrint UV Sign UYA is designed for high speed printing onto common POP / POS display and advertising substrates. IcoPrint UV Sign UYA is particularly suitable for polyolefin synthetic papers such as“yupo”,“synteape”and KT board.

    IcoPrint Fluorescent VF

    IcoPrint Fluorescent VF为低气味油墨,专为印刷PVC不干胶,硬质PVC,自黏PVC,面涂聚酯,亚克力和聚碳酸酯板,ABS,CAB以及某些聚苯乙烯材料而设。

    IcoPrint Fluorescent VF are low odour inks designed for use on self-adhesive and rigid PVC, self-cling PVC, top coated polyester, acrylic and polycarbonate sheet, ABS, CAB and some grades of polystyrene.

    IcoPrint Posterjet PN

    IcoPrint PosterJet PN为高色强度四色油墨系列,适用于印刷难附着材料,例如合成纸,Yupo和KT板。该油墨系列在大部分通用可印刷塑料表面可展现出色附着力。

    IcoPrint PosterJet PN is a high colour strength trichromatic ink system suitable for printing onto difficult substrates, including synthetic papers, yupo and KT boards. It also has excellent adhesion to most common printable plastics.

    IcoPrint Matt VM

    IcoPrint Matt VM为高遮盖油墨系列,具有低气味和印刷性能强的特点,主要适用于PVC及其他塑料。该油墨系列也包含具有长久户外耐候性能的四色油墨。

    IcoPrint Matt VM is a highly opaque ink with exceptionally low odour and excellent printability, designed for use on PVC and other plastics. A set of long life trichromatics (four colour process) is also available.

  7. 产品系列Product Series
  8. 纺织业Textile :
  9. IcoPlast Additives添加剂


    To supplement the highly versatile IcoPlast range, a variety of special additives can be utilised to generate speciality and high impact prints.

    IcoCharge DC

    IcoCharge DC为水性拔印油墨,印刷在纺织品面料上可展现高遮盖力及高清晰度,同时可维持水性油墨手感柔软等本质特征。

    IcoCharge DC is a water-based dischargable ink system, designed to maximise opacity and impact on the garment, whilst maintaining the soft handle and improved feel inherent of water based inks.

    IcoTex Nylo PU

    IcoTex Nylo PU油墨专为尼龙及合成布料所设,这需要油墨具有出色附着力及高柔韧度。该油墨一般用于直印洗水标,雨伞以及轻薄尼龙夹克。IcoTex Nylo PU为双组份油墨系统,可在难附着材料表面展现出色附着力。油墨不含PVC。

    IcoTex Nylo PU is designed for Nylons and other synthetic fabrics where adhesion and flexibility is required. Typical uses include direct printing onto care labels, umbrellas and light weight nylon jackets. IcoTex Nylo PU is a two-pack system maximising adhesion onto difficult fabrics.

    The IcoTex Nylo system is PVC free.

    IcoTex PFL

    IcoTex PFL系列油墨适用于柔版及凸版印刷设备,并广泛应用于纺织品商标印刷。该油墨具有良好的遮盖性,持久性,耐水洗性和耐干洗性,因此能符合大多数客户的严格要求。

    The IcoTex PFL product range is designed for printing with Letterpress / Letterflex printing machinery, onto a wide range of fabrics, for label applications. The product will provide an opaque, durable, washing and dry cleaning resistant film to meet stringent customer requirements.

    IcoFlex Performance IF

    IcoFlex Performance IF为超柔高弹性油墨系列,专用于印刷运动服饰及无感标签等装饰用途。独特配方使其具有超高拉力,可在大部分天然及合成材料表现展现出色附着力,IcoFlex IF油墨系列是转印技术领域的*新发现。油墨不含PVC。

    IcoFlex Performance IF is a dedicated range of super-stretch, ultra-soft water-based transfers for Sportwear and Tagless textile decoration applications. Uniquely formulated to provide the highest level of stretch, yet give adhesion onto a wide range of natural and synthetic materials, IcoFlex IF inks are the latest development in transfer technology.The IcoFlex Performance IF range is PVC free.

    IcoPlast Ultra ZX

    IcoPlast Ultra ZX为高遮盖热固油墨系列,专为印刷大部分天然和合成面料而设。ZX系列结合艾康独有技术能避免油墨积聚,提高遮盖力并减少起毛现象,且印刷成品质地柔软。油墨不含PVC,该油墨适用于潘通调色系统。

    IcoPlast Ultra ZX is a range of maximum opacity plastisol inks designed for printing most natural and synthetic fabrics.The ZX range incorporates IConINKS own unique technology which eliminates build up, improves opacity, reduces fibrillation and enable soft gel and soft hand.

    The IcoPlast Ultra ZX system is PVC free.Pantone matching system available.

    IcoTex Nylo PE

    IcoTex Nylo PE油墨用于直印尼龙布料及其他合成/天然布料时可展现出色附着力。IcoTex Nylo PE为具有出色附着力的双组份油墨系统。油墨不含PVC

    IcoTex Nylo PE gives excellent adhesion when printed directly on to Nylon substrates as well as many other synthetic and natural fabrics. IcoTex Nylo PE is a two-pack system maximising adhesion.

    The IcoTex Nylo system is PVC free.

    IcoPlast PL

    IcoPlast PL为高遮盖热固油墨系列,专为印刷大部分天然和合成面料而设。油墨适用于潘通调色系统。

    coPlast PL is a range of maximum opacity plastisol inks designed for printing most natural and synthetic fabrics.

    转印产品及胶水Transfer Products & Adhesives


    IConINKS have a wide range of transfer adhesives and products for many transfer applications whether conventional, phthalate free, or PVC free / phthalate free.

  12. 产品系列Product Series
  13. 工业Industrial :
  14. IcoTex Nylo PU

    IcoTex Nylo PU油墨专为尼龙及合成布料所设,这需要油墨具有出色附着力及高柔韧度。该油墨一般用于直印洗水标,雨伞以及轻薄尼龙夹克。IcoTex Nylo PU为双组份油墨系统,可在难附着材料表面展现出色附着力。油墨系统不含PVC。

    IcoTex Nylo PU is designed for Nylons and other synthetic fabrics where adhesion and flexibility is required. Typical uses include direct printing onto care labels, umbrellas and light weight nylon jackets. IcoTex Nylo PU is a two-pack system maximising adhesion onto difficult fabrics.The IcoTex Nylo system is PVC free.

    IcoPrint Matt VM

    IcoPrint Matt VM为高遮盖油墨系列,具有低气味和印刷性能强的特点,主要适用于PVC及其他塑料。该油墨系列也包含具有长久户外耐候性能的四色油墨。

    IcoPrint Matt VM is a highly opaque ink with exceptionally low odour and excellent printability, designed for use on PVC and other plastics. A set of long life trichromatics (four colour process) is also available.

    Polyplast PY

    Polyplast PY为高光油墨系列,专为印刷各类软硬塑料制品而设。配方使油墨具有*高柔韧度。Polyplast PY可用于真空吹塑。该系列油墨具备出色网上稳定性且不易塞网,这使其成为艾康多功能油墨产品之一。

    Polyplast PY is a high gloss ink designed for printing onto a wide range of flexible and rigid plastics. Formulated to maximise flexibility. Polyplast PY is an excellent ink for vacuum forming. Excellent screen stability and self solvency enables Polyplast PY to be one of the most versatile ink systems offered by ICONINKS.

    IcoDisc REM

    IcoDisc REM系列为UV固化油墨,光油及涂料中的**品牌,专为满足所有光盘装饰需求而设。该系列油墨在干燥时具有低收缩性,当用于CD及DVD印刷时也可展现其出色附着力及耐抗性能。

    IcoDisc REM is a premium brand of UV curing inks, varnishes & coatings designed to fulfil all disc decoration requirements.The range includes low shrinkage during cure, combined with excellent adhesion and resistance properties demanded from Compact Disc and DVD applications.

    IcoDisc REG

    IcoDisc REG系列为UV固化油墨,光油及涂料中的**品牌,专为满足所有光盘装饰需求而设。该系列油墨在干燥时具有低收缩性,当用于CD及DVD印刷时也可展现其出色附着力及耐抗性能。

    IcoDisc REG is a premium brand of UV curing inks, varnishes and coatings designed to fulfil all disc decoration requirements.The range includes low shrinkage during cure, combined with excellent adhesion and resistance properties demanded from Compact Disc and DVD applications.

    Sericard CD


    Water-based laminating adhesives for laminated credit card production.

    IcoBond EXC

    IcoBond EXC是一种双组份丝印油墨,其具有**耐化学品和抗溶剂性能,并能紧密附着于各类印刷要求较高的面料上,例如尼龙,热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)和其它塑料.

    IcoBond EXC is a two-pack screen printing ink with outstanding resistance to many chemicals and solvents with excellent adhesion to an extensive range of demanding materials, including Nylon, Thermoplastic Polyurethane, and other plastics.

    IcoTech PET HF

    The IcoTech PET HF系列油墨的配方不含卤素及邻苯二甲酸盐,适用于电子产品印刷。在未处理或已处理的聚脂薄膜以及PET不干胶表面可展现出色附着力。

    The IcoTech PET HF range is specifically formulated to be Halogen and PAH free and it is most suitable for electronic applications. It also has excellent adhesion to treated and untreated polyester film and PET stickers.

    IcoTech Dyne EW

    IcoTech Dyne EW油墨在未处理或预处理的聚丙烯,聚乙烯材料以及挤压塑料表面都可展现出色附着力。其对于家用化学品及工业化学品具有较强耐抗性能,例如酸,碱,油以及电池酸液。

    IcoTech Dyne EW is an ink with excellent adhesion to untreated and pre-treated polypropylene and polyethylene sheets and injection mouldings. It is very resistant to household and industrial chemicals, including, acids, alkalis, oils, battery acids.

  16. 产品系列Product Series
  17. 包装Packaging :
  18. UVivid Flexo JD

    UVivid Flexo JD是一个高质量的紫外线光固化柔印油墨系统,该系统为窄幅柔版印刷商提供高价、**的增埴。通过引入该系统,高效率生产和高质量印刷品成为可能。

    UVivid Flexo JD是专为各种UV柔性版印刷机,补充型印刷机和承印材料而研发的高质量油墨

    UVivid Flexo JD is a high quality UV curing flexo ink system offering premium value to narrow web printers. Through introduction of this system it is possible to deliver optimum productivity and high quality prints.

    UVivid Flexo JD has been developed to give the highest performance across a wide range of UV flexo machinery, complementary press products and substrates.

    IcoTech Dyne EW

    IcoTech Dyne EW油墨在未处理或预处理的聚丙烯,聚乙烯材料以及挤压塑料表面都可展现出色附着力。其对于家用化学品及工业化学品具有较强耐抗性能,例如酸,碱,油以及电池酸液。

    IcoTech Dyne EW is an ink with excellent adhesion to untreated and pre-treated polypropylene and polyethylene sheets and injection mouldings. It is very resistant to household and industrial chemicals, including, acids, alkalis, oils, battery acids.

    IcoContainer CO

    IcoContainer CO为UV固化油墨系统,专为印刷预处理PE/PP瓶和容器而设。对化学品具有高度耐抗性,印刷后的容器即使用于装载**化学活性的液体,油墨也不会与之发生反应而遭到损坏。其中包括:酸,碱,制动液,洗涤剂和家用清洁剂,须后水/香水,护肤品和化妆品,溶液。

    IcoContainer CO is a UV curable ink system designed for printing onto pre-treated PE/PP bottles and containers.inks exhibit excellent chemical resistance properties, and will resist attack by even the most aggressive liquids likely to be packing within the printed container, including: acids, alkalis, bleach, brake fluid, detergents and household cleaners, aftershave/perfumes, skincare products and cosmetics, and solvents.

    IcoWeb Flexo FX

    IcoWeb Flexo FX为高质量UV固化柔版印刷油墨系统,可给窄幅印刷商提供高性价比产品。IcoWeb Flexo FX为高效多产油墨且印刷成品质量较高。IcoWeb Flexo FX油墨应用于大部分UV柔版印刷机器和材料都可展现其出色印刷性能。

    IcoWeb Flexo FX is a high quality UV curing flexo ink system offering premium value to narrow web printers. IcoWeb Flexo FX delivers optimum productivity and high quality prints. IcoWeb Flexo FX has also been specifically made to provide the highest performance across a wide range of UV flexo machinery and substrates.

  21. 产品系列Product Series
  22. 制网及化工产品Screen-making & Chemicals :
  23. 粘网胶Mesh Adhesives


    Serifix/2-Extra and Screenfix are two-pack mesh mounting adhesive which provides a strong, permanent bond. Suitable for wood, steel, aluminium or painted frames and nylon, polyester and stainless steel fabrics.

    网版处理Pre-sensitised Emulsions



    Pre-sensitised photostencil emulsions are one-component emulsion systems that are pre-sensitized and ready for use. They offer distinct production advantages without compromising quality and performance.

    重氮感光胶Stencil Treatments


    Screen Fillers are less expensive products used to block areas of the screen that are not part of the image area. Removable and permanent type products are available.

    Sericure is a screen hardener that used to improve the durability of stencils when used for exceptionally long print runs or for the production of library stencils.

    重氮-光聚感光胶Diazo-Photopolymer Emulsions


    Diazo-Photopolymer emulsions, also known as dual-cure emulsions, is a combination of diazo and photopolymer chemistry creates photostencil systems capable of the highest standards of printing for all applications and ink systems.

    预敏化感光胶Diazo Emulsions


    Diazo emulsions are the oldest type of emulsion on the market and are still preferred when production cost is a major consideration.

    制网化学产品Screen-making Chemicals


    A highly effective range of screen making and reclaiming chemicals–the Screen Chemicals product range is designed to economically provide the highest level of screen operation.






