Adjustable gastric acid type Ⅳ
l 产品特点:
Product features:
Ø 降低胃中pH值,增强胃蛋白酶的活性,提高蛋白质消化率。
Reduce the pH in the stomach, enhance the activity of pepsin, enhance protein digestibility
Ø 防止饲料霉败,延长饲料贮藏时间。
Prevent feed mildew, extend the feed storage time.
Ø 在动物体内代谢完全,无残留。
In the animal metabolism completely, no residue.
l 产品外观描述:
Product appearance description:
This product is a compound acidifier, can improve the tiny ecological environment in the gastrointestinal tract, inhibit the proliferation of harmful bacteria, reduce diarrhea piglets; Stimulate gastric cells mature, improve gastrointestinal function, promote gastrointestinal health.
l 产品成分及保证分析值:
Product composition and guarantee analysis value:
主要 成分:乳酸、柠檬酸、富马酸。总酸含量≥40%。载体白炭黑。
产品分析:1%水溶液pH值 为2-3;水分≤10%。
Main ingredients: lactic acid, citric acid, fumaric acid. Total acid content of 40% or higher. Carrier of white carbon black.
Product analysis: 1% aqueous solution pH value is 2-3; Moisture 10% or less.
l 用法与用量
Usage and dosage
用量:乳猪及仔猪饲料中添加: 2-3kg/T 中大猪及家禽饲料中添加1-2kg/T 。
Usage: directly add to the feed
Usage: Suckling pig and piglet feed add: 2-3 kg/T cuhk pig and poultry feed add 1-2 kg/T.
l 包装与运输:
Packaging and shipping:.
Polypropylene single shrink-wrapped, lined with polyethylene, net weight 25 kg. To avoid the rain wet in transportation.
l 稳定性及贮藏方法:
Stability and storage methods:
Placed in ventilated dry place, in the packaging can deposit within 10 months, after opening not finished products need to be tied tightly mouth. When use suggestion put on rubber gloves, dust masks or goggles.