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您当前的位置:首页 » 推荐精品 » 德国倍福XPlanar | 平面磁悬浮输送系统
德国倍福XPlanar | 平面磁悬浮输送系统
产品: 浏览次数:647德国倍福XPlanar | 平面磁悬浮输送系统 
品牌: 德国亚特兰大ATLANTA
托盘: APSxxxx | XPlanar tile
动子: APM100x | XPlanar movers
入门套件: APS900x | XPlanar starter kits
单价: 18888.00元/PCS
最小起订量: 1 PCS
供货总量: 6 PCS
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 7 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-02-28 17:50
  • 加工定制:XPlanar | 平面磁悬浮输送系统
  • 型号:XPlanar****
  • 别名:德国倍福XPlanar |
  • 适用领域:食品,医疗,包装,印刷,3D等产业
  • 输送能力:Speed 4 m/s,Acceleration 20 m/s² (without load)
  • 输送物品:Max. load 6 kg (at low speed)
  • 规格:XPlanar principle: Free-floating movers for non-contact movement

XPlanar principle: Free-floating movers for non-contact movement

As an automation and motion specialist, Beckhoff is setting new benchmarks in drive technology with the eXtended planar motor system.

Free-floating planar movers move jerk-free and contact-free at up to 4 m/s over planar tiles that can be arranged in any desired layout. The movers are kept at a defined distance by electromagnetic forces. Travelling magnetic fields generated in the planar tiles provide for a precise and highly dynamic positioning of the movers.

The result: maximum possible flexibility in layout and architecture, maximum positioning flexibility and optimal simplification of machines and plants. Contaminants from transported goods are not spread throughout the plant; liquids can be transported without spilling over; wear and emissions due to friction are eliminated.

The XPlanar system represents a new drive concept with a unique value proposition for general machine manufacturing and in the food and pharmaceutical industries, and in both vacuums and clean rooms. With appropriate surface finishing, the planar motor system is also available as a hygienic design version.

Technical data*

Speed 4 m/s

Acceleration 20 m/s² (without load)

Max. load 6 kg (at low speed)

Flight height without load 5 mm

Flight height 1 kg load 1 mm

Max. angle of rotation (±)

360°, ± 15°

Tilting 5°

*The specifications shown represent the maximum values which can be reached


TF5890 | TC3 XPlanar

A wizard makes initial commissioning fast and simple: scan the system, configure the geometry of the modules with the mouse, identify the movers, automatically link in TwinCAT. In ongoing operation, the software carries out the calculation of the mover position, precise position control, as well as monitoring and diagnostics. Each mover is identified by the application software with an axis number and the XYZ coordinates as well as the angles of rotation α, ß, or γ of these three axes. Helpful items of information such as current consumption, lag errors, temperature and many others simplify diagnostcis and enable integration of additional functions, such as weighing of products.

The mover motion is controlled by TwinCAT software. The system supports different levels of automation in three expansion stages.

Stage 1: The movers can be moved on a predefined 2D path with simple motion commands. All functions of the XTS system are available. In addition, movers can be lifted or lowered.

Stage 2: Different 2D paths can be defined. The movers can switch between these paths. All functions from stage 1 are included.

Stage 3: Fully automatic path calculation: The application software sends commands such as “Drive to Station 1” or “Wait in Zone B”. The software executes all other tasks such as path optimization, collision avoidance, energy-saving operation and congestion avoidance. All functions from stage 2 are included.

Technical data


Required TC1250

Target system Windows 7/8/10

Ordering information

TF5890-0v80 software license, TwinCAT 3 XPlanar, TwinCAT 3 platform P80 (Very High Performance)

TF5890-0v81 software license, TwinCAT 3 XPlanar, TwinCAT 3 platform P81 (Many-core, 5…8 Cores)

TF5890-0v82 software license, TwinCAT 3 XPlanar, TwinCAT 3 platform P82 (Many-core, 9…16 Cores)

TF5890-0v83 software license, TwinCAT 3 XPlanar, TwinCAT 3 platform P83 (Many-core, 17…32 Cores)

TF5890-0v84 software license, TwinCAT 3 XPlanar, TwinCAT 3 platform P84 (Many-core, 33…64 Cores)

APM100x | XPlanar movers

The Beckhoff planar mover fully deserves the title “all-rounder”. The movers are available in different formats depending on the application. Each individual mover can be moved highly dynamically without collisions and positioned freely on the system. In addition, movements specific to the transported goods or production are possible, naturally while travelling: lifting, lowering, weighing, tilting or rotating.

In the conventional form the planar motor system is used horizontally with the movers moving above the tiles. However, the range of applications is much more diverse, because the movers can also be operated vertically and even upside down. Single movers can move payloads of up to 6 kg. When grouped, they can move correspondingly larger loads.

Movers in different sizes

The movers can be selected to suit different loads. The available ban**idth ranges from particularly small and light movers up to large movers for high payloads. Different mover types can be operated on the planar tiles at the same time.


passive component

no electronics

no mechanics

easy to clean

carries loads of up to 6 kg – even more in a group

tilting by 5° for transporting and handling liquids

special planar modules for rotating movers by 360° – increased flexibility

lifting, lowering, weighing: variable in height by up to 5 mm

wall and ceiling travel: vertical and upside down

Ordering information

APM1002-0000 XPlanar mover, aluminium body hard coated, 95 mm x 95 mm x 12 mm, 0.39 kg

APM1003-0000 XPlanar mover, aluminium body hard coated, 155 mm x 155 mm x 12 mm, 1,27 kg

APM1005-0000 XPlanar mover, aluminium body hard coated, 155 mm x 275 mm x 12 mm, 2.5 kg

APM1004-0000 XPlanar mover, aluminium body hard coated, 275 mm x 275 mm x 12 mm, 5.0 kg

APSxxxx | XPlanar tile

The XPlanar tiles can be arranged in configurations to suit any need. Laid out in a floor arrangement, they keep distances between processing stations short and provide room to accommodate buffer zones. The floor size and geometry can be configured to suit individual requirements.

Alternatively, XPlanar tiles can be arranged in long linear tracks. This type of setup makes XPlanar a highly flexible transport system. Additional tiles can be laid along certain sections to create waiting zones, and fast-track lanes can be added just as easily to allow overtaking and avoid congestion. Movers can travel along the same track on outward and return journeys. In other types of applications, the movers travelling in a circle may be better suited to meet the requirements. The tile configuration can support this kind of motion profile, too.

The planar tiles in the 24 x 24 cm format can be used to form arbitrary track geometries that are precisely adapted to the application at hand. The size and shape of the tile floor can be freely scaled and determined by simply combining the different tiles: oblong, square, rectangular, L-shaped or ring-shaped. The number of movers can also be freely chosen; therefore, there are barely any limits in the application. Every form of product transport is possible: individual positioning at processing stations, collision-free movement in the clean room and in a vacuum, overtaking in the product flow, product flow division, parking and moving in and out, even between contaminated areas. All planar movers and tiles are easy to clean, there is no carryover of contaminants and the system operates without noise and particle emission. At the same time, the XPlanar system operates with maximum efficiency through continuous software-based path optimisation.

Ordering information

APS1003-0000 XPlanar tile, 4 active areas, 110/230 V AC/24 V DC, 240 mm x 240 mm x 67 mm, 4.0 kg

APS2003-0000 XPlanar tile, rotor area, 110/230 V AC/24 V DC, 240 mm x 240 mm x 67 mm, 4.0 kg

APS900x | XPlanar starter kits

XPlanar opens up new avenues in machine and system design. Starter kits that are easy to put into operation facilitate a fast and effective entry into the technology and help experience the new possibilities and fascination of XPlanar hands-on. By trialling the system in their own environments, users can recognise the advantages in their own implementation early on. The great rationalisation potential of XPlanar can be leveraged to quickly realise competitive and innovative solutions.

All necessary XPlanar components are included, having been pretested. The planar tiles are pre-assembled with cabling on a carrier frame. A small control cabinet contains all electrical components and an Industrial PC with all required software pre-installed. Example applications define basic functions and can be used as a foundation for the individual software implementations.

The fully functional XPlanar tiles and movers included in the starter kit can also be used in later system operation. The starter kit can be updated via internet access; the updates are free of charge.

For quick familiarisation with motion control programming using TwinCAT 3, trainings are available.

Ordering information

APS9000 starter kit for planar motor technology, 6 (2 x 3) APS1003 planar motor tiles, 2 APM1003 movers, Industrial PC, software, pre-installed, ready for operation

APS9001 starter kit for planar motor technology, 12 (4 x 3) APS1003 planar motor tiles, 4 APM1003 movers, Industrial PC, software, pre-installed, ready for operation





