国内热线:400-6969-728技术咨询: 51602681
Kaizan screw compressorsProductpower range 7.5 kW ~630kW,motordrivenscrewcompressors,dieselpoweredscrewaircompressor,wells,anti-burglaryscrewaircompressorandtwo-stagecompression screw compressor.
In Made USA US Carlyle, KERRY 6000 KERRY 6 #screw aircompressorsdedicated coolant; KERRY 8000, KERRY 8 #screw aircompressorsdedicated cooling fluid.
long machetes energy efficient screw compressors JN seriesscrewcompressors dedicated coolant KERRY 6000,KERRY6#,KERRY6000,KERRY8#coolantistheUSPatrickmine-designedfortrendsetterskaitain,power-tech,energy efficient screw thedevelopment ofdedicated cooling oil andthecoolingoiltosyntheticoil,resistanttohightemperatureandhighpressure,thesealingperformance is good.
Packaging Specifications for 5 gallons (18.9 L), 54 gallon(205liters)
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Enterprise Web domestic Hotline: 400 - 6969 -728Technical Advisory: 021 - 51602627 51602681
The inlet compressor International Asian distribution center--China Air Compressor Spare Parts Spare Parts marketingcenter--
Kaizan empty pressure Model Number: LG series screw compressors LG-1.2/8, LG - 1.0/10, LG 0.8/13, LG - 1.7/7, LG - 1.7/8, LG -1.5/10,LG - 1.2/13, LG - 2.4/7. LG - 2.4/8, LG - 2.2/10.
LG - 1.7/13, LG - 3/8, G LG - 3/7, LG - 2.7/10, LG - 2.3/13, LG-3.6/8, G LG - 3.6/7, LG - 3.2/10, LG - 2.7/13, LG - 5.2/7, LG-5/8, LG - 4.5/10, LG - 3.7/13, LG - 6.5/7 G.
LG - 6.2/8, LG - 5.6/10, LG - 4.8/13, and /LG - 7.4/7, G LG -7.1/8,LG - 6.5/10, LG 5.6/13, LG - 10.5/7, LG - 10/8, LG - 8.7/10,LG -7.5/13, LGH - 13/7, LGH -12/8,LG-10/10,LG-13/8,LG-12/10.LG-10/10,LG-10/13, LGH - 16/7, LG - 16.5/7, LG 16/8, LG-14/10, LG - 12/13, LGH - 21/7, LG - 20/7, LG - 20/8, LG - 16/10,LG- 13/13.
LG - 22/8, LG - 20/10, LG - 16/13, LG - 28/7, LG - 27/8, LG -25/10,LG - 20/13, LG - 30/8, LG - 21/13, LG 35/8, LG - 30/10, LG -27/13,LG - 44/8, LG - 38/10, LG - 33 /13
JN series energy efficient screw compressors JN 4, JN 5.5, 7.5JNJN, 11, and 15 JN JN, 18, and 22 JN JN, 30, and 45 JN JN, 37,and55 JN JN, 75, and 90 JNJN,110,and132JN,JN160,185JNJN,200,and220JNJN,250, and 280 JN, JN 315, 355 JN JN, 400;KAITECseries screw compressors KHE 15, 18 KHE KHE, 22, and 30 KHEKHE,37, and 45 KHE KHE, 55, and75KHEKHE,90,110KHE,KHE132,160KHEKHE,200,and 250KHE,KHE 315,400 KHE