分切机吹膜机增加打孔装置:塑料包装薄膜经该机械设备打孔,打孔针辊精度高,孔间距及孔径大小均匀,针尖高度一致,孔径尺寸大小(自行调整)及孔型排列、不同薄膜材料打孔需求按客户所需定制。该打孔薄膜广泛应用于面包、食品、鲜花、医疗护垫透气打孔、脱氧剂干燥剂包装等包装薄膜及工业上打孔透气产品,覆盖多行业的薄膜打孔领域。该打孔加热针辊总成装置直接安装在塑料膜分切机(分条机)、吹膜机,复合机,印刷机等产品需打孔的原机械设备上打孔生产,高速生产,效率高,操作简单,调整方便。电话(传真) 86-0595-22392190 联络13808545457 Email:xfjx123@163.com
The packaging film is punched and slitted by this mechanical equipment, the film tension control automatic
deviation correction and unwinding device, the heating needle roller punching device, the hole spacing and
aperture size are uniform, the height of the needle tip is consistent, the aperture size (self-adjusting) and the
hole size The type arrangement is customized according to the customer's needs, and the slitting is automatically
wound. High-speed production, high efficiency, simple operation and convenient adjustment. Set machine,
electricity, gas integration. Quanzhou Licheng District Xiangfei Machinery Assembly Factory Tel (Fax) 86-0595-
22392190 Contact 13808545457 Email:xfjx123@163.com