Requirements for certification
1. Please refer to AustralianStandard AS4736-2006
2. Completetestreportsandresultsfromapprovedlaboratoriesto the requirements of AS4736-2006. List of approved laboratories available from ***.
3. Sampleofproduct,materialorintermediatetobecertified,to be retained by ***
Schedule of fees for review
1. Previously certified material with no chemical or composition change A$700
2. Previouslycertifiedmaterialwithcompositionchange A$900
3. Previouslycertifiedmaterialwithcompositionchangeand A$1400
4. Newmaterialorblendcontainingnoinkorpigments A$1200
5. Previously certified material with new ink or adhesive A$1200
6. Newmaterialorblendcontaininginkandpigments A$1700
7. Articles or products having different shapes and dimensions with or without ink, fees will vary depending on degree of complication.
On receipt of the application the applicant willbeinvoicedfortheminimumscheduledfeeof$700andthereviewprocesswill begin on receipt of the payment. On conclusion of the review process the applicant will be invoiced for thedifferencebetweentheminimumscheduledfeeandthefeeestablishedbytheapplication reviewingauthority, where applicable.
On successful application the applicant will beinvitedtolicensetheSeedlinglogofrom***byenteringintoalicensingagreement and payment of the 12 month fee of $500.00.