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今天介绍2023年5月10日美国联邦巡回上诉法院的Vanda Pharmaceuticals v. Teva & Apotex案的判决, 此案涉及原告的活性成分为tasimelteon的药品Hetlioz®的四项橙皮书使用方法专利,特拉华地区法院判相关的权利要求因显而易见而无效,上诉法院维持地区法院的判决。
Hetlioz®用于治疗被称为“Non-24”的因为生物钟与每日24小时时间不协调造成睡眠紊乱的疾病。“Non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that occurs in individuals whose biological clocks are not synchronized, that is, entrained, to the 24-hour day. Non-24 causes too little nighttime sleep and too much daytime sleep. It can be treated by causing entrainment, i.e., synchronizing a person’s circadian rhythm to the 24-hour day. ”大约55-70%的盲人患有Non-24。
此案争议涉及四项橙皮书专利:U.S. Patent No. RE46,604 (the RE604 patent); U.S. Patent No. 10,149,829 (the ’829 patent); U.S. Patent No. 9,730,910 (the ’910 patent); and U.S. Patent No. 10,376,487 (the ’487 patent)。地区法院判相关的权利要求均因显而易见而无效。上诉法院维持地区法院的判决。
RE604 patent
1. A method of entraining a patient suffering from Non-24 to a 24 hour sleep-wake cycle in which the patient awakens at or near a target wake time following a daily sleep period of approximately 7 to 9 hours, and maintaining said 24 hour sleep-wake cycle said method comprising: treating the patient by orally administering to the patient 20 mg of tasimelteon once daily before a target bedtime.
2. The method of claim 1 wherein the patient is totally blind.
3. The method of claim 2 wherein the tasimelteon is administered 0.5 to 1.5 hours before the target bedtime.
地区法院依据已知文献Hack,’244 Publication, Lankford和Hardeland判权利要求3的方法显而易见。Hack 披露了“The Effects of Low-Dose 0.5-mg Melatonin on the Free-Running Circadian Rhythms of Blind Subjects.”尽管tasimelteon 和melatonin化学结构和生物活性不完全相同,Lankford 披露“tasimelteon has high affinity for both the [melatonin] receptors, both in ranges similar to that of melatonin.” 地区法院判断tasimelteon和melatonin有足够的相似性。而’244 Publication, Lankford和Hardeland均披露了20 mg tasimelteon的II期和III期临床试验的部分结果,足以支持本领域的技术人员对使用20 mg tasimelteon治疗Non-24的成功预期。地区法院没有采纳原告的关于objective indicia的争辩。上诉法院判地区法院的显而易见的判决没有错误。
The ’487 patent
1. A method of treating a human patient suffering from a circadian rhythm disorder or a sleep disorder that comprises orally administering to the patient an effective dose of tasimelteon without food, wherein the effective dose is 20 mg/d.
4. The method of claim 1, wherein the patient is suffering from a circadian rhythm disorder.
5. The method of claim 4, wherein the circadian rhythm disorder is Non-24 Disorder.
地区法院判断进食和未进食对药效可能产生影响是行业常识,在药物研发过程中研究食物对药物的影响也属于常规操作,这种研究及2选1的结果属于”obvious to try,” 没有创造性。上诉法院同意这一判断。
The ’910 patent
1. A method of treating a patient for a circadian rhythm disorder wherein the patient is being treated with rifampicin, the method comprising:
(A) discontinuing the rifampicin treatment and then
(B) treating the patient with tasimelteon, thereby avoiding the use of tasimelteon in combination with rifampicin and also thereby avoiding reduced exposure to tasimelteon caused by induction of CYP3A4 by rifampicin.
2. The method of claim 1 that comprises treating the patient for Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder.
3. The method of claim 2 wherein the patient is light perception impaired (LPI).
4. The method of claim 3 wherein treating the patient with tasimelteon comprises orally administering to the patient 20 mg of tasimelteon once daily before a target bedtime.
“Rifampicin, also known as rifampin, is a strong inducer of CYP3A4. CYP3A4 is an enzyme that is often involved in drug metabolism. A CYP3A4 inducer induces the expression of CYP3A4, which causes CYP3A4 to increase its drug metabolism thereby decreasing.”
在专利申请之前,文献已经披露与tasimelteon结构和机理类似的一种药品ramelteon “undergoes an 80 percent decrease in blood plasma levels when it is co-administered with the CYP3A4 inducer rifampin” because it is metabolized by CYP3A4。因此地区法院判断本领域的技术人员会预见tasimelteon也不应和rifampicin同时使用。地区法院并不认可原告关于teach away的争辩。上诉法院同意地区法院的判断。
The ’829 patent
829专利权利要求14针对的是使用tasimelteon时避免同时使用一类CYP1A2 inhibitor的方法:
13. A method of treating a patient for a circadian rhythm disorder or for a sleep disorder wherein the patient is being treated with a strong CYP1A2 inhibitor selected from a group consisting of fluvoxamine, ciprofloxacin, and verapamil, the method comprising:
(A) discontinuing treatment with the strong CYP1A2 inhibitor and then
(B) treating the patient with 20 mg of tasimelteon once daily.
14. The method of claim 13, that comprises treating the patient for Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder.
“CYP1A2 is another enzyme that is often involved in drug metabolism. A CYP1A2 inhibitor decreases CYP1A2’s ability to metabolize drugs, leading to a higher concentration of drugs metabolized by CYP1A2 in blood plasma.”
与上述的对 910专利的讨论类似,已知文献Hardeland 披露“[a]s tasimelteon is metabolized by [CYP1A2] . . . , coadministration of any drug that inhibits [this enzyme] should be regarded with caution.” 因此地区法院认为避免tasimelteon和这类CYP1A2 inhibitor同时使用属于显而易见。上诉法院同意地区法院的判断。
总而言之,尽管原告获得了四项橙皮书专利,但这些专利都属于在常规认知和已知文献的基础上没有真正创新的“发明,” 被判无效是法院的正确判断。
作者简介:王华律师(Howard Wang)拥有十五年的美国律师执业经验
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